First of all. Let me start out my stating a few things. When I hear/read pundits or anyone for that matter state that the American soldiers are fighting for American freedom in Iraq, I get angry as hell. The American military was sent to invade Iraq specifically in order (IMO) to a) gain access to the oil and probably - most importantly - b) no contract bids for KBR/Haliburton/Dick Cheney. If you think Cheney did not make any money off of those deals then I hope you still have your brain.
I swear they are out to get me |
That is Dan Savage's very delicious (pun intended) response to Santorum's statements via the Google result when you search Santorum's name. It's too funny to not repeat it. Here it is. When I did the search to link it this time, the irony was that I got the link to the news stories about him not hearing the boos at the debate the other evening, (addressed later in this posting). This guy cannot get away from his irresponsible views of LGBTQ's and the press surrounding them.
He wants Google to fix this problem. Poor. Little Rickie. But Google believes in free speech. It wouldn't even change the search results that occur for Michelle Obama's name.
Lets briefly explore what a real jihad is. The following is from Wikipedia
The war was primarily considered to be against unbelievers, those not of the Islamic faith. Other interpretations put forward by reformers and modernizers in the nineteenth and twentieth century argue that Jihad is primarily a moral and spiritual struggle.[5] In western societies the term jihad is often translated by non-muslims as "holy war".[6][7] Scholars of Islamic studies often stress that these words are not synonymous.[8] Muslim authors, in particular, tend to reject such an approach, stressing non-militant connotations of the word.[9][10]
If one takes the tack of Rick being an 'unbeliever' in LGBTQ rights, then. Yes. He is ripe for a 'gay jihad' But what would a gay jihad comprise? I posit here that a gay jihad is a combination of a 'queer eye for the straight guy' kind of thing where we swarm in and completely overhaul (read: redecorate) your house, wardrobe, refrigerator/kitchen cabinet contents, hairstyle. The most important component of this gay jihad is the deprogramming/reprogramming. Do you remember the significant trend of the late 1970's into the early 1980's of parents repatriating their kids from cults and then having them de-programmed? Instead of being deprogrammed, the target of the gay jihad is reprogrammed from being a right wing/neocon into a left wing forward thinking progressive.
I suggest that this is Rick post reprogramming.
I suggest that this is Rick post reprogramming.
Couldn't resist.
At the now famous Thursday night at the Google/Fox News 'debate(s)' we all know about a number of audience members booed at the question by gay soldier Steven Hill about the presidential candidate's potential rescinding of DADT repeal. Santorum waxes on about not just gay sex in the military but sex in general in the military.
Then Santorum continues with the diatribe that he would reinstate DADT; however, he would allow those who have come out to stay out of the closet but those who choose to newly enlist would be under the old/new policy. UNFAIR MUCH? I GUESS THE DOUCH BAG DIDN'T THINK ABOUT THAT . . . BUT THEN FAIRNESS IS NOT ONE OF HIS HALLMARKS. So let's analyze this. He reinstates DADT. Yet. He would ALLOW those who have come out under the repeal but force new enlisted to remain closeted in the reinstated policy. But he doesn't think that those who have come out under the repeal status won't be discharged once the policy is reinstated. . . . OF COURSE HE DOES! That's exactly what is intention is in reinstating DADT - DISCHARGING (in his mind - PURGING) those who came out after the repeal.
The Young Turks do a great analysis of Santorum's response to a follow up question by generic fox blonde anchor/moderator Megyn Kelly.
And there is the analysis from Mark Moulitsas from The Daily Kos appearing on Countdown with Keith Olbermann
Knowing that he will be catching heat from who? That's right, the LGBT community and hopefully the American people. The key is that Santorum has NEVER served in the military and should no more be addressing the issue than G.W. Bush had to put on that flight suit and declare mission accomplish in reference to his 'alleged' national guard service record.
Alex Nicholson, a former Army Intelligence Officer has the best response in a MotherJones article dated today.
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